VISITING THE AREA? CHECK OUT Petersburg Area Regional Tourism FOR MORE INFO.
JOIN US on Sat. March 8, 9 am to 3:30 pm!
Symposium: Why Did War Come to Petersburg? & PBF Annual Meeting
CLICK HERE to buy tickets via Eventbrite - $40 plus handling fee.
NO TICKETS SOLD AT DOOR; ticket deadline Wed. 3/5/25.
CLICK HERE for our Annual Report from our 3/23/24 Annual Meeting.
Click for a LIST OF BOOKS about the Petersburg Campaign.
Go to the ABOUT PAGE for: brief histories of the Beefsteak Raid and several local forts - Bross, Clarke, Dushane, Emory, McMahon, and Siebert; an 1889 speech by Confederate veteran Simon Seward about his escape from a Union prison; coordinates to several historical markers that PBF has erected.
PBF VISION: To inspire and educate the public about the Petersburg Campaign of the Civil War, other local military battlefields and campaigns, and commemorations that shape the Petersburg region and contribute to the American story.
PBF MISSION: Leading a regional initiative to preserve, interpret, and promote the Campaign's diverse cultural, historic, and natural resources in order to place them within the broader historical context connecting events and places, thus enabling current and future generations to better understand the relationships between military conflict and important social and political changes occurring in American history.